What kind of weird stuff do you do to entertain yourself when you're alone? When I'm alone, I sometimes take photos of myself, and once in awhile, I take pictures of myself DEAD!

This is not a very good one (eyes!) but I was having a hard time this day. I was trying to take ones like I was falling out of the closet and that was tough! Then I thought about getting under the bed but abruptly got so grossed out by my creepiness that I had to quit, which is what always happens. I'm thinking this is less weird to share because it's almost October, so, almost Halloween! Creepiness = A-OK.

There's usually a theme to each of my severe bouts of poverty, according to what activities I find I can entertain myself with for free. In Newport it was "Let's read Plato!" In Yamagata it was "Let's climb mountains!" In Tokyo I guess it's "Let's be morbid and sullen all day and then go out and get sleazy with strangers in strange places!" But that's not what kind of blog this is. What kind of blog is this? I don't know, friends. I'm pretty sure it's no secret that I love me some trouble and sleaze, though.

I saw
Patti Smith: Dream of Life in Shinjuku with Aya. What a beautiful film! It touched me in the right places, anyway. So I'm in a good mood and naturally cutting back on the serial killer documentaries and illicit activities, for now.
i think i'm going crazy like, every other day lately.
You're scaring me a little. Are you okay? Do you want to come over? Can I borrow your eyeliner?
haha! i'm fine i'm just broke and bored and being all EXPERIMENTAL and MAD CREATIVE lately so i sound like a lunatic. you can come over anytime and show me how to make pie! but my only eyeliner pen was last used to write my name on some guy's bony chest so i will politely keep it from you. i usually just slap brown eyeshadow all over the general area of my eyelids anyway.
Oh! Now I remembered that I happened to see her photo exhibition during silver week.
thank you beth, my memory is back.
kei you should go see the film, you'd like it, plus most of my favorite poets are patti smith's favorite poets and she can definitely convince you to like them better than i can.
I just figured, you're being so goth you must have extra. That's a good excuse though.
omigosh, like there's a pigment on earth as dark as my soul
Fucking thank gawd. Do you know what your serial killer links were doing to me? So Patti Smith? Yeah, rock on babe.
hey! I just read your comment on misa's blog and I think we should probably be best friends. Ha. Seriously, would you want to meet up next time I am in Tokyo? Hopefully by then, you'll have money but if you don't, I do so we can still have fun! If you want, post yr cell mail on my blog. I will mail you!!
Ohhh yeah! I almost forgot. You have no money, so... Do you know Makkori? It's Korean rice wine and it's dirt cheap and strong and looks like a glass of milk. By now, you know that I like things with strange tastes, and Makkori is sort of fermented-y but it's like 500 yen for a litre. And you grow to love the taste.
Just SHAKE it before drinking and make sure it's cold or it tastes like mouldy wood.
If I wasn't so careful about not gaining weight, I'd get drunk on it every night.
I HAVE MONEY NOW! i got the sidejob of my dreams (it involves free dinner and a lot of giggling). i would tooootally wanna meet up next time you're in tokyo. of course!
i can't wait to try makkori but maybe i should grow some weight-gain caution before i do. chyah, as if.
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