Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is it still winter?

Then I'm still compulsively making things.

These are called DEVILED EGGS, see? I put wasabi in them.

These macaroons = 3 ingredients + chocolate.

My first American biscuits! I'm so proud, even though I should have cut them with a knife instead of a jar. Their dome-iness didn't affect their deliciousness so it's okay.


Lisa said...

Deviled eggs are the best. Thanks for the other night, indeed!

Beth Roeser said...

now i've discovered grits, omg

David said...

You turnin' all southern on us? That's a good thing.

selena said...

Beth, are you going to see the hideously expensive Bob Dylan show?

I usually think about going to these things but end up not going.

Then I think that people might die and I'll regret it. Like my Nirvana tickets.

Beth Roeser said...

david i've had grits for dinner three nights in a row. so cheap! so good! less calories per cup than rice! i just ate a bowl of cold grits with milk. so good! why didn't i know????

Beth Roeser said...

SELENA. do not get me started. i had hoped to go and it sold out. so i hoped to grab a ticket on auction but they're like, 12man!!! AND OMG AS IF THERE'S A CHANCE IN HELL MORE THAN A DOZEN OF THOSE TICKETS WENT TO PEOPLE WHO LIKE BOB DYLAN AS MUCH AS I DO




selena said...

Oh wow - you're right. He sold out SEVEN DATES in Tokyo, and looks like all the Osaka and Nagoya dates are sold out too. Crazy.